Friday, June 11, 2021

A 65-year-old female patient with viral pneumonia secondary to COVID-19


Tondapu Sreelekha, 8th semester

Roll no. – 135

 This is online E log book to discuss our patient’s de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian’s signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient’s problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients’ clinical problems with collective current best evidence-based inputs. This e-log book also reflects my patient centred online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcome


I’ve been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of “patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations, and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan. 



Following is the view of my case: (history as per date of admission)



A 38-year-old female came to the OPD with chief complaints of fever since 10 days and cough since 10 days



·         Patient was apparently asymptomatic 10 days back when she had fever. It was of high  grade, intermittent and not associated with chills and rigor.

·         She also had cough since 10 days. It was productive and the sputum was of scanty aamount.


·         No similar complaints in the past.

·        She  got a RAT done 5 days back which was negative.

·        She is a known case of hypertension since 7years for which he is taking medication.

·        She is not a known case of diabetes mellitus, TB, Asthma and epilepsy


·         Tab. NEBIVOLOL 2.5mg/PO/OD

·         Tab. ECOSPRIN AV (75/10)mg




·         DIET- vegetarian

·         APPETITE- normal

·         SLEEP- Adequate

·         BOWELS- Regular

·         MICTURATION- Normal

·         ADDICTIONS- None

·         ALLERGIES- None



·         There is no significant family history.




The patient was conscious, coherent and cooperative and well oriented to time, place and person.

She was moderately built and moderately nourished.

·         No pallor

·         No icterus

·         No cyanosis

·         No clubbing

·         No generalized lymphadenopathy

·         No pedal oedema



VITALS at the time of admission

·        Temperature: febrile

·        Pulse: 82 beats/mins

·        Blood pressure: 110/70 mmHg

·        Respiratory rate: 16 cycles/min

·        SpO2: 93% on room air 




·         S1 and S2 heart sounds heard.

·         No murmurs heard.

Respiratory system

·      She patient was dyspnoeic

·      Bilateral air entry +

·     Ronchi were heard.


CNS- Intact


·         Soft and non-tender.

·         Bowel sounds were heard.

·         No organomegaly.


INVESTIGATIONS (day 1 of hospitalization)


INVESTIGATIONS (day 2 of hospitalization)



Provisional diagnosis: Viral pneumonia secondary to moderate COVID-19 infection.


Treatment given (day1)

1.      Tab. PCM 650mg/PO/TID

2.      Syp. ASCORIL 10ml/PO/BD

3.      Neb with BUDECORT – 12th hourly

4.      O2 inhalation @ 4lit/hr

5.      Plenty of fluids and soft diet.

6.      Tab. NEBIVOLOL 2.5mg/PO/OD

7.      Tab. ECOSPRIN AV(75/10)mg PO/HS

8.      Monitor BP, PR, SpO2 4th hourly

Vitals (day2)

·        Temperature: afebrile

·        Pulse: 84 beats/mins

·        Blood pressure: 110/70 mmHg

·        SpO2: 96% on room air 


Treatment given (day2)

1.    Tab. PCM 650mg/PO/TID

2.    Syp. ASCORIL 10ml/PO/BD

3.    Neb with BUDECORT – 12th hourly

4.    O2 inhalation @ 4lit/hr

5.    Plenty of fluids and soft diet.

6.    Tab. NEBIVOLOL 2.5mg/PO/OD

7.    Tab. ECOSPRIN AV(75/10)mg PO

8.    Monitor BP, PR, SpO2 4th hourly

9.    Inj. CLEXANE 40mg/s.c./BD

Vitals (day3)

·        Temperature: afebrile

·        Pulse: 94 beats/mins

·        Blood pressure: 120/70 mmHg

·        GRBS: 8am: 171mg/dL; 4am: 154mg/dL

·        SpO2: 98% on FiO2 40%


Treatment given (day3)

1.      IVF 1 NS and 2 RL @ 150ml/hr with THIAMINE and OPTINEURON

2.      Inj. PAN 40MG/IV/OD

3.      Inj. DEXAMETHASONE 8mg/IV/OD

4.      GRBS charting 4th hourly

5.      Inj. HAI s.c. according to the sliding scale

6.      Vitals charting 4th hourly

7.      Tab. NEBIVOLOL 2.5mg/PO/OD

8.      Inj. CLEXANE 40mg/s.c./BD


Vitals (day4)

·        Temperature: afebrile

·        Pulse: 80 beats/mins

·        Blood pressure: 120/70 mmHg

·        GRBS: 171mg/dL

·        SpO2: 96% on room air 


Treatment given (day4)

1.      IVF 1 NS  with OPTINEURON @ 75ml/hr

2.      Inj. PAN 40MG/IV/OD

3.      Inj. DEXAMETHASONE 8mg/IV/OD

4.      GRBS charting 4th hourly

5.      Inj. HAI s.c. according to the sliding scale

6.      Tab. NEBIVOLOL 2.5mg/PO/OD

7.      Inj. CLEXANE 40mg/s.c./BD

Vitals (day5)

·        Temperature: afebrile

·        Pulse: 74 beats/mins

·        Blood pressure: 110/80 mmHg

·        GRBS: 134mg/dL

·        SpO2: 96% on room air 


Treatment given (day5)

1.      O2 inhalation to maintiain SpO2 greater than 90%

2.      IVF 1 NS  with OPTINEURON @ 75ml/hr

3.      Inj. PAN 40MG/IV/OD

4.      Inj. DEXAMETHASONE 8mg/IV/OD

5.      GRBS charting 4th hourly

6.      Inj. HAI s.c. according to the sliding scale

7.      Tab. NEBIVOLOL 2.5mg/PO/OD

On day 6 0f hospitalization, the patient was found to be stable and fit for discharge.

Treatment advice given at the time of discharge

1.      Tab. NEBIVOLOL 2.5mg/PO/OD

2.      Tab. PANTOP 40mg/PO/BD for 1 week

3.      Tab. ECOSPRIN AV(75/10)mg PO/HS

4.      Tab. LIMCEE PO/OD for 2 weeks

5.      Tab MVT PO/OD for 2 weeks

6.      Tab. APIXABAN 5mg/OD for 1 week

7.      Syp. ASCORIL 10ml/PO/BD for 4 weeks





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